Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter one thousand three hundred and ninety-five: Influence

"Just give me a minute. You're telling me I'm just a human being, right? Why am I under surveillance and not Mrs. Emerada?

Shester inquired in a heartfelt wonder.

Then Ione said, naturally.

"Because you're affecting Gaius Schneider."

Chester's doubts deepened further into Ione's answer.

"What do you mean? Then Mrs. Emerada would be affecting you more, Gaius. Whatever it is, she is also his mother..."

But Ione's answer was no.

"Just because you're a mother doesn't mean you're influencing me. Especially in her case, it's hard to say she's a real mother."

Gaius Schneider is a reincarnator.

She was therefore Mrs. Emerada, the mother of her life, but not the actual mother.

Ione had pointed it out, but Chester was not convinced.

"I do know what you mean, but I think she's doing a fine job with your mother, Gaius."

Then Ione shrugged her shoulder.

"That could be it. But that's not what I'm talking about. It's important to know if Gaius Schneider is influencing his will in any way."

"Gaius, to your will? I'm not sure. What effect did I have on his will?

Then Ione shrugged her shoulder once again.

"Don't you get it? He's a little bit different, though. And you have a lot of influence on that. There are other people like that."

Shester immediately asked.

"Who? Who the hell are you talking about other than me, Gaius, who influenced you?

Ione looked at Chester smoothly with the beautiful eyes of its slice length.

"First, Lombardo Schneider."

Shester nodded loudly.

"That would be so. Naturally."

"Yeah, right. He was an integral part of Gaius Schneider's growth."

"... So, what else?

Carla Deanna Sayles.

Then this made Chester look convincing again.

"You deserve that, too. Gaius, it's your master."

"Yeah, right."

"Anything else? Not even Master Elle?

Then Ione shook her neck to the side.

"People who are likely to influence... I mean, only humans. Elle is a member of God's family."

"So the Astalots and Delkias aren't covered either?

"Yes, it is."

"So what else? Are there others in the human race?

Then Ione smiled invincibly.

"I won't tell."

To Ione's unexpected remarks, Chester gave a somewhat surprising look.

"... why?

Then Ione said something astonishing.

'Cause in that name, the world could change.'

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