Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand four hundred and sixty-seven, all escape.

Like a giant ship whistle, the walls and ceilings were beginning to collapse everywhere as a heavy bass called Bo rang.

Among them Gaius continued to fly for the evacuation of the inhabitants of the mansion.

"Evacuation! Outside the building now!

The ceiling just above collapsed dramatically as Gaius screamed.

Gaius instantly realized it, twisting his body and dodging it at a single hair.


Gaius quickly changed direction and escaped through the large open window.

As it was, Gaius drew a steep curve and jumped up into the air.

Then there, Carla waited one foot ahead.

"Has everyone escaped?

"Oh, there's a problem. No one's come out of the building since earlier."

"That's good. But..."

"But what?

Asked by Carla, Gaius answered.

"No, it sounds awesome, but I didn't think Iris would come out at all."

Then Karla exhaled one sigh.

He'll come out of there.

"Oh, I'm sure it is... but it's not going to completely collapse like this?

The collapse continued even as Gaius and the others were in conversation, and the damage to the building was thought to be immense.

"Well, it's about Melba. Problem."

"That's reasonably rich. You'll have the money to rebuild it..."

Then intense light leaked out of the building gap.

"Whoa! You're completely out of the ceiling over there."

"Apparently so. But..."

Carla tilted her neck only slightly.

Gaius noticed the condition and asked.

"Yeah? What's going on?

"No, isn't the glow weakening?

Carla told me, and with amazement Gaius gazed at the light.

"... maybe... I do feel weakened..."

"Don't you? Besides, isn't the sound any smaller than earlier?

Gaius concentrated on his ears this time.

"... maybe... yeah, it does sound smaller"

Gaius was now convinced.

"What do you mean? The sound and the light are weakening, okay?

Carla also gave a suspicious look, staring in the direction of the light's emission.

But the sound and the light weakened further and further.

Then Gaius made a suspicious look and said:

"... Is this, maybe... shoulder blush? ……

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