Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 145: Maximilian Burger


"It's terrible, El. I can't believe I bit you all of a sudden."

Gaius protested with a crying face towards Elle as he walked along a beautiful, cobbled, beautifully paved tree-lined path straight through the planned planted woods, walking at its feet in a relaxed foothold.

But where was the wind blowing against Elle, and his strange face?

"It's your fault for being busy with your mouth. I don't want to bite your big, tasteless feet from the morning."

"Basically, I'm against violence. In the future, don't imitate sudden bites even if you're slightly angry. I need you to say it in words first, in words."

Gaius pressed Elle in precaution with a strong tone.

Then Elle said with a bare gesture that even seemed troublesome.

"Ahh ok. Okay. Look, the woods are about to run out. I'm leaving now."

That said, Elle went into the woods in a light manner.

When Gaius sighed one loud sigh, he stopped to change his mood and took a deep breath with his hands wide aside.


"Morning, Gaius!

As soon as he went through the woods and onto the open road, a bright, energetic boy's voice poured down Gaius's back.

Gaius didn't even turn around because he knew immediately after hearing only one voice who the Lord of that voice was.

"Morning, Max. You're doing well this morning."

Gaius greeted Max back with a little bitterness at Maximilian Burger's bottom brightness.

Max then approached Gaius with an uncontrolled smile on his face and said, pounding on his shoulder.

"You're as dark as ever. We need to be brighter, okay?

"I can't. I'm not like you"

Gaius denied it a little bit to the taste of eating.

Max then spread his hands and squeezed his shoulders as he stuck a bright smile on its face.

"Oh man, why is this dark guy messing with the girls... the world is irrational ~"

"What are you talking about? You have it for girls, too."

"You don't deny at all that you're a mess. That's just great, Gaius. Ma, that's okay. I can't have that much. I'm so bright and healthy, I haven't even got at least a tenth of yours. Why!?

You know what?

"You don't deny that you're more than ten times what I am. I knew you'd do just fine, Gaius. Ma, that's because, for some reason... the girl thinks you're cool!

"... is that not the same as dark?

"Huh. That's sweet, Gaius. Cool is something else when it's dark."

"... well, do you"

"It is. But the girl thinks you're cool and cool just because it's dark. I mean, the girls are just an illusion."

"... so?


"No, so what do you say because it's an illusion?

"No, I don't care.

"... what the hell is that"

"Huh. I knew it was sweet, Gaius. I'm basically appropriate. You didn't know that?

"... No, I knew. I listened to you seriously. I was stupid."

"You're right, apparently this battle, it's my win!

"... it's a battle. You really are the right guy, not at all..."

"Huh. But you had fun, huh? I got to school while we were talking like this, and I'm the one who brightens up boring school paths by having fun conversations, don't you think?

"... oh, lazy"

Gaius said so in a complete bar reading, diving through the gates of the learning hall through which they would pass.

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