Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Four Hundred Seventy One: Tips


"... Um... I'm sorry..."

Glenn said he was sorry.

Gaius said, shrugging his shoulders, although his mouth remained pointy.

"It's not about Glenn apologizing. And the Carla guy..."

Gaius said so, gaining momentum as he made the sound of Zabarh.

"I'm gonna complain fast"

When Gaius abandoned him that way, he left the hot tub with that momentum.

And as it was, he walked out of the bathroom with his big crotch.

Glenn, who was left, wondered if his remarks would cause the two of them to rub, and he was going to be a dick.


Gaius walked out of the bathroom angrily as he just wiped his body and put his clothes on.

Then he searched and walked around every corner in the Melba Mansion and finally found Carla, who was in a room in the basement.

"Hey, Carla, come on, if you have any magic to clean up, let me know, too."

Gaius cut out Karla's back, looking around the room, most like an opening.

Carla turned around and said away in a cold tone.

"What are you talking about? I don't have time to teach you."

"What is it? I remember things fast, don't I? Just tell me how. I'll try to master it right away."

"What? Are you feeling better again? Then we'll have to get some moxibustion in place, right?

"No, wait a minute. Isn't that what Carla knows best about my ability to learn magic? I've been praised by Carla for saying that a few times."

"Hmm, because I remember things a little fast, huh?

"No, so just tell me the trick and I'll come up with a lot of creativity myself later. So just give me a minute and let me know."

"Can I just do the trick?

"Fine. I'll do something about it myself later as long as you tell me the trick. If I can't do it, I'll do it myself."

"Right. You don't have to tell me if you want to go that far."

"Well, then tell me quickly."

Though Gaius buoyed to say it, Carla looked empty somewhere.

Gaius spotted a lot and asked Carla.

"What's going on? You got something?

Gaius said as Carla looked around the room with a chill, curious about herself as well.

Then Carla said in a harsh tone.

"... you don't feel it? ……

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