Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Four Hundred Seventy-Six: The Power of Mindfulness


"... hey..."

Gaius showed Carla's fury a slightly rotten appearance.

Then, naturally, he touched Carla's scales.

"What kind of reply is that! I'm telling you because you told me to!? What kind of attitude is that?!?"

Carla stuck giddy to Gaius as she soared.

Gaius apologized in great panic.

"Sorry! I won't tell you anymore! I'll do it as many times as I want! So forgive me!

But Carla's steps didn't stop.

And his face was so close to the limit that Carla's forehead touched Gaius's forehead that he glanced at him.

Gaius pulled his face up to a full cup and feared.

"... I'm sorry... I won't say it anymore... forgive me..."

Once again, when Gaius politely apologized with a crying face, Carla pulled her face softly after staring at it as it stood for a few seconds.

"Fine. But don't take it personally twice. Like?"

Then Gaius said quickly.

"Yes! Of course! Let me be serious!

When Carla gently snorted one, she turned to crooked.

"All right, let's start over!

Gaius became an upright immobile once to Carla's decree.

"Yes! Let me do it!

When Gaius put it that way, he began to remember indifferently toward the earlier rubble.

Carla walked straight for a little while and found an affordable rubble or how to sit on it.

And the grumpy appearance was as it were, looking at Gaius' training as it was.


"... this? ……

Resume your training for more than twenty minutes.

Gaius finally got the hang of it.

"Ok... sounds good..."

Gaius was right, the target debris made a noise called Goto and moved out.

Gaius continued to keep his concentration intact and finally succeeded in floating the debris in the universe.


The rubble made a loud noise and fell to the ground as Gaius shouted delightfully.

Then in the meantime, Carla's anger flew in.

"What are you doing! Just a little floated and distracted! Your purpose is to float the rubble? You're not, are you? It's not about moving the rubble the way you want, cleaning it up!

And it came to pass that Gaius shrunk himself, and was afraid of Carla.

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