Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-one Glowing Palms

"... Julia?... or is it Illis? ……

Gaius quietly inquired into the confusion.

But the woman in the coffin just kept staring at Gaius.

For this reason Gaius gave an even more puzzling look.

"... Julia... isn't it?... but I don't care what you think..."

Gaius was stuck with words there.

Then Carla, who held back that far, asked quietly.

"Gaius, is that so similar to that childhood tame named Julia?

Gaius answered, gazing at the woman in the coffin.

"Similar... Until I knew Julia was thirteen, but how I saw it, this woman is Julia..."

"Hmm, when I was thirteen... but would I be wrong to look at it?

Gaius disputed Carla's natural question.

"No! You can't be wrong to look at it. These eyes, these noses, these ears... what's wrong with this woman, she's grown up, Julia herself."

Gaius abandoned his earlier confusion and told him clearly and definitively.

"Right. Then why is that Julia sleeping here?

"That's why I don't know that. I don't know why Julia is sleeping in the coffin of Illis... I don't know, really..."

Gaius once again gave a puzzling look.

Then, all of a sudden, the woman's right arm moved pickly.

Gaius reacted greatly with Vikri.

"... Julia..."

You reacted to Gaius whining, the woman's right arm moved again.

His right arm pivoted slowly and quietly with his elbow in the fulcrum, changing direction as he ascended.

Then he opened his right hand and slowly pointed his palm towards Gaius's face.

Gaius looked at the woman's palm, bewildered but close to her face.

At that moment, the center of the palm glowed.

"Run! Gaius!

Carla's sharp scream went up.

Gaius reacted spinal reflexively to it, twisting his body and falling to the side.

And a bunch of light passed through where Gaius' face was until then.

The beam of light melted the wall, which was easily ahead of the path, and stretched out long everywhere.

Gaius, dressed with a buttcake, saw it and was afraid.

Then the light bundle finally began to converge there, eventually returning to the woman's palm.

And at the same time that the light could disappear, a woman finally opened her mouth.

"... who the hell are you?... Why do you call me Julia? ……

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