Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Eight: The Disappeared Julia

"No! There's no Julia!

Gaius jumped into Julia's room on the ground floor.

But he couldn't see Julia, who was supposed to be there, so Gaius was confused and shouted out loud as if he hadn't happened to scream.

"Oh my God..."

Carla, who came into the room late, also had the same look of confusion as Gaius.

"He's not here... he's not here, Carla... what do you mean?

"I don't know...... you mean you didn't let him feel a sign or anything and took him away like smoke? ……


Gaius had a seizure and looked up at the ceiling and screamed.

"Damn! Damn it! Damn it!!"

Gaius couldn't control his emotions and kept screaming even.

Next to it, Carla stood with a look of hatred.

"I wanted to get hit! It's Illis! He grabbed Julia!!"

Carla shrugged at Gaius' soul cry.

"... or not... but how..."

"Damn! Iris, where did you take Julia?

Gaius threw a full force against the wall as he grabbed the cushion placed on the couch that was nearby.

Then I took various things, or threw them against the wall one after the other.

Carla was just quietly watching the situation.

And when Gaius finished throwing all things at him and began to breathe with Harhar on his shoulders, he muttered quietly and softly.

"... you mean you broke in without making a sound where Julia was sleeping and took her away as she was? But where did you break in from and how did you take him away... I don't know... do you mean God's business? ……

Then Gaius said the angry shape awesome.

"What is God! Iris, where the hell are you!? I'll find you! And I will definitely bring Julia back!

Gaius looked up at the ceiling again and shouted.

"It's Gaius. I'm sorry. I didn't notice at all while I was awake."

Carla turned to Gaius, staring at the ceiling with an angry look, and she spoke out sorry.

"... No, Carla didn't notice. Probably didn't even notice I was awake..."

"... I'm sorry..."

Carla once again sincerely apologized to Gaius.

Gaius shook his head to the side.

"... No, it's not Carla's fault. It's not Carla's fault..."

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