Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-eight: The Influx of Memory


"What!? Are you telling me my memory is back?

To Carla's enquiry, Gaius leaned over his eyebrow root so much that he couldn't do it any more, and groaned with a serious look.

"Probably... but wait..."

Gaius began to descend quietly.

And when I quietly put my foot down on the ground, I unloaded Carla on my back.

"What do you think? Are you sure all your memories are back?

To Carla's renewed inquiry, Gaius slowly shook his neck to the side.

"No, it doesn't look like all of them"

"Right. But how about that, I thought you remembered some new ones?

Then Gaius shook his head slowly and quietly this time.

"Oh. Some..."

Carla frowned and inquired about Gaius in a somewhat reminiscent way.

"What did you remember?

Gaius exhaled gently, taking it with a serious look and capturing Carla.

"Memories of my past."

"Past life? Does that mean the memory of the Auglosses?

"Oh, yeah. There's a lot going on... more and more memories are pouring into my head..."

Gaius said so and sat down on the ground trying to get into.

Carla got worried from the look of it and couldn't help but speak up.

"Gaius, are you okay?

Gaius snorted and drooped his head silently.

Carla could not dispel her anxiety from Gaius's appearance, but she decided to remain calm for a while.


"What do you say? Are you okay?"

Carla spoke softly to Gaius, who finally looked up after a while.

Then Gaius, with a blue expression, opened his mouth quietly.

"... oh, for once..."

"Apparently, you're not going to be okay. Get some rest. We've got plenty of time."


When Gaius told him to whine only one word, he drooped his head and shut up.

Karla stood quietly in the meantime.

Then a while later Gaius looked up, looking a little cheerful.

"Hmm... Shindo... it just makes me sick when all sorts of memories come in."

"Is that what this is about?"

"Oh. It's confusing, too. Pretty tough."

"Right. So, what do you say?

Gaius raised his face and said with a serious look as he gazed closely at Carla.

"Oh. Maybe this reminds me of everything."

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