Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand five hundred and thirty-five: The law of reincarnation

"From here on out, I'll go alone."

Said Gaius with a ready face.

Carla stared at Gaius's face drifting above.

"Don't be silly!

Usually Gaius shrugged his neck reflexively against Carla's anger, but not all this time, looking down quietly in a calm and sedentary manner.

"Sorry, but I can't take Carla"

Then Carla said, staring remorsefully at Gaius from below.

"I can't use magic. Am I stuck?

Then Gaius turned out to be sorry.

"... there's that too. But at the end of the day, I thought I should be alone."

"What's that? What's that supposed to mean?


Carla was annoyed by Gaius.

"Say it! Gaius!

Then it became the face Gaius was ready for again.

"Okay. I'll tell you."

Gaius took a deep breath there and tightened his expression again.

"Fusion with the Auglosses. I've learned something."

"Is it still true? You've been acting strange ever since."

Then Gaius laughed a little.

"Right. Anyway, I can remember, and there was an influx of different personalities more than that... I didn't have to know if it was just Augloss, I even took him in."

"Are you okay?

Carla said worryingly.

Gaius raised his mouth angle and smiled.

"Oh, I'm fine. It's finally ripening."

"Right. So, take them in, what did you find out?

"My life... I guess"

Carla was puzzled.

"... what does that mean?

To Carla's inquiry, Gaius told him to choose his words carefully.

"Of course you know I'm a reincarnator, but there's a certain law to it."

"Well, the law... what the hell is that like?

He said, "I'm going to come and go with the world in the 50-year cycle."

"Fifty years... I see, Augloss's life is definitely fifty years old"

"Yes, and the rest of them, they're just unknown because they're worldly anonymous, and they're actually finishing their lives in fifty years."

"So the law..."

"Yes, I will be reincarnated on my fiftieth birthday."

Gaius said so with a slightly lonely grin in his mouth.

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