Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Nine: Castle of Illis


"... I have no choice. If only Illis hadn't handed over Julia..."

Elle said with a sad face.

Gaius just said he couldn't pull all this off, although he was caught feeling a little sorry for all of it.

"... oh, in that case, it would be a total anti-war"

"Hmm. I know."

"Yeah. Well... let's go"

With a resolute eye, Gaius glanced at the castle of Illis.

Elle took a big breath once, beating it off and spitting it out.

"... okay, why don't we go..."

Seeing Elle staring at the castle under her eyes with an indescribable expression, Gaius immediately reconsidered and began to fly towards the castle, although he hesitated for a moment.

Then Elle quickly followed him as well.

And they went to the castle of Illis, where Julia would be.


"Over here."

Upon coming to the present day of the castle, Elle began to step out before Gaius and lead the way.

Gaius followed quietly behind.

And when Elle descended on the main entrance to the castle of Illis, lined with countless spires, Gaius also landed with a harsh look directly beside it.

"... this is the front door..."

Elle responded to Gaius's query.

"Bye. Are you ready for this?

Gaius nodded loudly and powerfully.

"Sure. Anytime."

All right, here we go.

When Elle said so, he ascended the large staircase leading to the main entrance step by step with certainty.

And when we got to the top, like an automatic door, the front door opened for audible opening without sound.

Without stopping, Elle entered the castle in a flowing motion.

Gaius followed that back with a resolute expression.

And I went inside, and I looked around the castle.

"... big... as big as Lucifer's castle..."

Then Elle answered, walking slowly in front of him.

"Uhm. I guess the size itself is the same"

"But the design is a lot different. This one feels more gorgeous."

"Right. Illis is a fan of flair."

"I see. It could be flashy indeed."

Gaius said as he watched a number of luxurious chandeliers, hanging from the ceiling, and spectacular stained glass colored throughout the wall.

Elle nodded, adding.

"I'll tell you what, it takes more flashy ahead. Don't be surprised.

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