Reincarnation Monarch

Reunion of the thousand five hundred and eighty-one.


"Hello. Is anybody there?"

Gaius immediately entered the castle as he descended into the castle of Illis.

But in the castle, I didn't find any children.

"... I'm not... I'm not... I'm not... Illis, of course, even Elle... where the hell have you been?..."

Gaius gave a fed up look.

"... do I have to go around all the spires again ~?"

Even as he shrugged with his sincerely disgusting face, Gaius decided to be ready.

"I have no choice. Find..."

Gaius tried to take a heavy step forward in search of an uninterrupted number of spires, but there again the wind of the hundreds of millions blew through his mind.

"Hey, I still don't feel like looking for you."

That's what Gaius said and exhaled deeply.

That's how he sank himself on the couch nearby.

"... I'm not motivated at all anymore..."

Gaius closed his eyelids quietly with a tired, vain look.

And he fell asleep for a while.


When Gaius woke up, there was an Elle figure there.

"Ah... El... well..."

Gaius said with a look like a bump.

Then Elle said the same thing.

"Hmmm... that's enough..."

"Yeah, well... I'm sorry"

"So let me tell you something."

"Yeah, okay. By the way, where have you been?

Then Elle clouded his words.

"Hmmm... sort of..."

"Phew, that's okay..."

One bad thing, Gaius couldn't ask any more.

Then Elle tried to change the conversation, he just said.

Let's go to the fountain.

Although Gaius seemed to nod unexpectedly, he remembered there the example armored warrior.

"Wait a minute. Before I do, I need to ask you something."


"Actually, I met a black armored warrior near a spring."

"Well... with a black armored warrior..."

"Oh, don't you get it?

"Ha... nothing in particular comes to mind"

"Right... oh, one more thing. I met the souls in the same place."

"Hmm, a human soul? It's not the end of being human."

"I knew it... they said there were about a hundred and twenty of them"

"Hmm, I don't even know how many. But I don't even know who they are."

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