Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter one thousand five hundred eighty-six, credit.

We met the two of us walking silently through the glowing cave in blue, but it was time to see the end point.

"... I can see you"

Elle said, making sure the view was open a long way away.

Gaius shifted his gaze forward as he stroked Elle's beautifully hairy, black-beloded back as he walked forward.

"Oh, there's plenty of room, isn't there?

Elle nodded as she walked, looking back gently and saying:

"Hmm. I've offered you that space a few times."

"What do you mean, there's more to it?

"Bye. Ahead of that... you can't go in anywhere but Illis."

"You mean taboo?

Then Elle opened up for a long time and said:

"... right. What lies ahead... neither do I know nor have I heard of it"

"You mean the atmosphere you can't ask?

"Well, yeah."

"Hmm... I don't know what the hell you're interested in..."

Then Elle looked back agile.

"No! Don't go further."

But maybe Julia's ahead of us.

"Have you forgotten what I just said? He said no one should go in there but Illis. So does Julia."

"Uh-huh, but I don't know, do I?

Then Elle looked back once again handsomely.

"I get it! Definitely not. If you were there, you'd be in a lot of space."

"But hey... Julia is the kid that Illis grabbed on purpose, right? Then you might have taken it to the taboo space ahead."

"That's not possible. You've never even been to this place before, have you?

Then Gaius's face distorted wildly there.

"Isn't that because you weren't trusted?


"No, it's not like you're rotting El, is it? It's just Illis. You don't seem to trust anyone."

"... that's not true..."

"Really? I don't think so, and isn't that what Elle really thinks?

To Gaius's repeated questioning, Elle turned his face into something he feared.

"That's not true. Lord Illis is not such a man. Don't take it personally, you idiot."

"Really? I think those icy eyes belong to those who don't trust anyone."

Gaius blamed Elle rather squeamishly and intransigently.

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