Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand six hundred and eighty-three, the difference between the two.

"... doesn't seem so different..."

Ilis said in confusion.

Astalot went crazy to see how it was and laughed a lot.

To Astalot, who suddenly laughed out, Illis began to give a puzzled look, which in turn turned into an angry look.

"What's wrong? Astalot."

Iris told me to stare.

Astalot immediately ruled his laughter and waved as if to relieve the wrath of Illis.

"Well, wait, it's Illis. I am not making fun of you. It's just that it's weird that we're too different."

"What's the difference? You say it more scattered than earlier, but I don't know!

I said as Ilis still seeped his anger.

Astalot waved his hand in front of his face again, trying to stifle the feelings of Illis.

"Wait. I'll explain now. Don't panic."

"... oh, just explain. However, depending on the description…"

Astalot nodded loudly and slowly.

"Okay, I'm here. So once you get your anger spears together, will you?

"I'm saying I get it. Just explain."

"Okay. The great difference between me and you is the degree of interest in others."

"What's that?

"I mean, interest in Gaius, interest in dragons, interest in the ground, etc."

"Because it's different degrees. What?

"That's what's funny. You are highly interested in Gaius. [M] Unusual."

"Not really. I'm not very interested."

Then Astarot smiled.

"Really? Then why are you here now? It's for Gaius, isn't it?

And now Illis smiled.

"You're not. Because he told me there was a way he could defeat Lucifer."

Astalot gently blurred his shoulders.

"Right. Then that's fine. The next thing I know about dragons..."

"Nothing like that"

"That's it. It's funny to me."

"Why? There's nothing funny about it."

"No, it's funny. We are given eternal life. I've lived and will live."

"What's wrong with that?

"Aren't you bored? What the hell do you usually do?

Ilis turned that way.

"Nothing. Nothing special, though?

Then Astarot nodded greatly.

"That's a lot different from me there. I'm bored and bored and I can't help it. So much so that you want to curse eternal life..."

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