Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand six hundred eighty-five. Last question.

For some reason, Illis was uncomfortable with Astalot, who had a tender grin.

Then suddenly, a strange, tall voice rang.

"Yeah?... oh..."

Iris realized that he was holding the neck of the dragon with one hand, gripping it hard, and immediately loosened its power.

Astalot stared with a grin at the condition as well.

"What's wrong, Iris?

Although Illis showed a slightly irritating bare gesture, he did not voice it.

"... no, it's nothing"

"Right. That's good. I'd rather make that last question that poor dragon than that, okay?

After seeing the dragon for just a moment, Iris immediately shifted his gaze to Astalot and said:

Oh, I don't mind.

Astalot nodded quietly with a grin.

"Right. Let me ask you one last question."

When Astalot said so, he slowly circled his neck and looked at the dragon.

And he asked questions with a gentle grin on his face.

"Where are the Thousand Years Dragons?

The dragon still didn't answer.

There was no slight movement whatsoever.

But Astarot, who opposed him, smiled and nodded again and again at Eagle Deep.

"Right. Very well. That was tough, wasn't it? Thanks."

Astalot told the dragon so, transferring his gaze to Illis.

"Iris, do you have any questions for this girl?

Iris shook his head sideways with a straight face.

"No, nothing in particular"

"Right. Then let him go. I don't even ask her anymore."

"Right. Okay."

That's all Iris said, loosened the power he had at his disposal.

Then, when the dragon's neck rubbed, it slipped through the hands of Illis.

And according to the law of free fall, the child of the dragon fell into the magma, making a noise.

When Illis toured his body in the magma and checked the swimming dragon with Switzerland, he said to impress him.

"Hmm, that's a dragon, even though it's a kid. Despite receiving my energy drain, I'm already looking fine and swimming in the magma."

Then Astalot said, laughing at Illis.

"That's right. They are the most powerful creatures on this earth. Besides, this magma is no different to water for them."

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