Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 16095: Unfair

"Yeah, but it won't work for a thousand years of dragons, will it? Then it doesn't make much sense."

I said as if Illis had rotted.

Astalot laughed lightly.

"No, I do not think it will work for a thousand years dragon, because it works for a dragon. It's amazing enough from my point of view."

"Really? Is that really what you think?

"Oh, of course. I can't do it."

"Right. Can't you do it?"

"Oh, I can't."

Then here Illis laughed niggly.

"Hmm, you can do something else without being able to energy drain?

Astalot shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, what did you do?

I had a grin that I hated about Ilis on Astalot, who looked stubborn.

"Hmm, you're just not going to tell me? If so, isn't that unfair?

"Unfair? Really?

"Naturally. I'm the only one who can show you the moves, aren't you? What are you gonna say without calling this unfair?

"Really? I'm sure I didn't do anything, but I just didn't have to. Because you did the energy drain before I did anything."

"Well, if I didn't, would you have done something?

"Right. I'm sure it will."

"Well, then let me see. How would I catch a dragon if I were you?

Then Astalot put his arms together with his face in difficulty.

"Right... I don't think we can catch him"

"What, you can't catch me? So what were you gonna do?

Then Astalotto smiled satanically.

"You would have continued the attack until the dragon was physically impenetrable."

Iris pinned one eyebrow up.

"Hmm, you mean put him on the verge of death and then interrogate him?

"Right. There's no way to catch him. It gets a little rough, but that won't help."

"I see. You're still a scary guy, aren't you?

"Afraid? You say that?

That's what Astarot said and laughed.

But Iris only slightly distorted the edge of his mouth.

"Surely I, too, may be afraid of other creatures."

Then Astalot said away.

"Maybe not. I'm sure he's afraid. Especially to humans..."

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