Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 168: Change


"Damn! They're following us everywhere!

As Max looked back, he threw up bitterly.

Then Jody tuned in to it.

"Those are the persistent ones! I wouldn't do that if I wasn't at all abominable!

"Once you're apart but you're resting, you show up, and if you move and pull away again but you rest again, it's a repeat of being caught up. How long the hell am I supposed to keep doing this?

"Not at all. Sooner or later, someone will make a sound. It's too late after that. If we don't do something while we still have the strength, it's gonna be bad, okay?

To Jody's fears, Balance agreed.

"Yeah, as it is, this will definitely be the first place you run out of health first. But there are too many enemies to intercept. This is where the ideas come in."

Then Alberto took one big, deep breath.

"Surely you can't stay like this, as everyone says. But Balance is right. This is not a current battle situation. Then for now I just have to keep walking. But we have to do something about it as soon as we can."

"Huh! We have to keep walking for the time being after all."

Max said in disgust.

"That's the thing. And let's think while we walk. what to do after this."

When Alberto said so with a rugged face, he looked back largely.

Then there were already a number of tired classmate faces lined up there.

When Alberto confirmed it, he looked even more harsh and turned back.


When about three hours had passed since the beginning of the march, something had changed on the extended green plain.

Max was the first person to notice that.

"... what is that?

Everyone caught sight of Max at the same time.

"... you're glowing..."

Jody said with a much blushed face.

"I don't see it... but it's definitely an unprecedented change"

Balance said so with hope.

Then Alberto made a quick decision.

"Okay. I don't know what that is, but let's just go for that glowing object"

Then everyone agreed without hesitation.

That means that for three hours now they have just walked through a meadow with nothing.

Everyone wanted change from the bottom of their hearts.

And that's what just appeared in front of me.

It was natural for everyone to devour it.

even if it was a trap.

The line was to speed up the march slightly and push for suspiciously glowing objects.

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