Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand seven hundred and fifty-three, delayed.

Then there, slowly Nerva came down with a strange face.

Iris got such a grumpy look that he said there was no more.

On the flimsy side, when Nerva confirmed that he would land further behind Astalot, he was furious with his anger.

"What were you doing, Nerva!

Nerva did not change her complexion at all and said quietly.


In response to Nerva, who says as if nothing had happened, Iris said, shaking his body.

"I'm asking you why you're so late!

Nerva said quietly, not changing his expression, not even slightly.

"Even though I did lag behind, there's not much wrong with that?

Nerva still said as if nothing had happened.

Besides, Illis exploded.

"It's huge! Big problem! You tried to shield me!?"

But Nerva's expression never changed.

"What is a shield? I don't know what you're talking about.

Iris shook his body with anger.

"Let me go first, and you'll see how it goes!

"How's it going... what's it like?

"It's about Lucifer Castle! He's going to attack us!

That's where Nerva first moved.

Nerva moved her right arm in a slow motion and quietly rubbed her own jaw.

"Lucifer's attack... I don't mean to?

"Lie to me! Both you and Astarot have been delayed, for that matter!

Then there, Nerva saw Astalotto.

Astalot looked back quietly, whether he felt a gaze from the rear or on the course of the story.

And the two gazed at each other.

Then Astalotto shrugged his shoulders as he gently tilted his neck.

When he saw it, Nerva smiled slightly.

Then now Illis, who saw it, was outraged more than earlier.

"What are you laughing at! There's nothing funny about that!

To the fierce Iris, Nerva told him to settle down calmly.

"I didn't mean to be late. I was just looking at the view of the heavens."

Nerva, who said the most seemingly, but Iris immediately denied it.

"Lie to me! There's no way!

But Nerva didn't make it faint again, he said.

"True. Nothing more or less."

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