Reincarnation Monarch

Episode one thousand seven hundred and seventy-three, the gentleness of the Illis.

"Oh, that Illis."

Astalot said as much as he read the bar without touching.

But Elle was immersed in memories of his past with Iris, and he told Astalot to whine, without any reaction.

"Yeah, sometimes... yeah, sometimes... no, very rarely, but it's kind."

Astalot inquired with a slightly half-eyed, half-hearted face.

"Huh, how was I nice? I just can't imagine."

Then Elle had a nostalgic grin on his face.

"It already gives me a warm smile that is full of nourishment and speaks a word or two of kindness!

Did Astalot's eyelids get even heavier than earlier, or almost closed?

"Heh... what kind of words did they say?

While Astalot's troublesome stink, Elle responded with momentum to a further inquiry.

"Yes! When I had my first dish, it was delicious. When you ask me to try it, or when you see something unusual, look at it too. You said it was beautiful, etc!

Then to Elle's answer, Astalot's eyelids were completely closed.

What did Elle want him to react to, peeking into Astalot's face with a seemingly lucrative face?

But Astalot closed his eyes, and looked exhausted.

So Elle peered into Astalot's expression again in such a way that he looked up from the bottom.

"... Um, Master Astarot? ……

Then Astalot opened his eyelids once again, finally recovering.

"... oh, yeah... good for you, huh? ……

Elle nodded loudly with a full grin at Astalot, who said in a utterly unchallenged voice.

"Yes! Thank you!

Astarot leaked a bitter laugh at how bright and energetic Elle looked.

"So, Lucifer isn't, is he?

To Astalot's inquiry, Elle stifled his face.

"Ha... no, that's... but..."

"Enough, tell me. How is Lucifer different from Iris?

Then Elle said, turning dramatically to the look he had decided to make.

"... Yes, I'll talk to you..."

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