Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 171: Police Station Level 1


"Name. Speaking of which, you haven't named him yet."

The guide man turned straight to the front with Gaius.

And she introduced herself to the truth.

"My name is Adam."

Gaius said his name to parrot back.


"That's right. Well, I just named him, and I don't know what to say."

"That's not true. It could be a long relationship, huh?

To Gaius, who says naughty, Adan said with a fed up face.

"No, I'll go upstairs, but I won't let you go from there. From your point of view, my work may have been pretty boring, but it's still my job."

Then I blushed my shoulder just saying that Gaius was out of my heart.

"I didn't say a word about me being a boring job. Whatever you do, it's because you need it, and I don't think there's anything boring about it."

"Right. That's fine. Come on, time to go upstairs? I don't know if you have someone you want, do you?

To Adan's question, Gaius nodded greatly.

"Right. I'll always be here..."

Gaius said that much and noticed Hatha.

"Ah! I didn't spoil your workplace, did I?

Adan accidentally leaked a bitter smile to Gaius, who rushed to fix it.

"Oh, I know,"

Gaius nodded satisfactorily to Adan's answer.

"Right. That's fine. Well, let's just say we get up there fast."

When Gaius said so, he proceeded with valor and stride.


"... yeah? That's a lot quieter, huh? ……

Gaius climbed the stairs up from the basement morgue and jumped to the ground floor of the police station.

But there was no one there, and he was idle without a sound.

Then Adan arrived on the ground floor late to Gaius, with a surprised look on his face.

"... what do you mean, this... there can't be anyone like this..."

Adan looked around with a stunned look, but he still didn't see one of his children.

Then Gaius' scorching face turned into a tight one in an instant.

"Adan, stay behind me all the time. Apparently, this isn't a good idea..."

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