Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Eight Hundred and Five: Adam's Long and Broad Tongue

Gaius accidentally snapped his neck at what Adan said.

"Is that what this is about? I'm not sure myself..."

Then Adan said even more.

"The way we see Astarot is nothing more than a figurine, but in your case, it's pretty close."

Then Gaius said, frowning at the root.

"Close or nothing, it's the real image itself. You're my best friend."

Gaius said casually, but Adam strongly denied the word.

"That would be different. No matter how close you were, even if it was the family that was on your side at birth, it's only close to the real image, and it's never the real image itself. Whoever we are, we are only others. Regardless, we can also deduce who we are in that relationship. But there are limits to that. Even if it were a close relationship, it would be impossible for us to capture a complete reality... even if we were gods."

Although Gaius was a little surprised by Adan's first long and broad tongue, there was a great deal to agree with about its content.

"Sure... when it comes to a complete reality picture, you can't. I see, no matter how close you get, there's no way you know what a complete real image is."

Adan nodded loudly.

"Oh, that's the thing. What I'm saying is that we can't fully interact with other people."

Gaius nodded as impressed.

"Very well. That brings me back to that, but do you have any idea why I'm dead?

When Gaius asked again, Lennis replied as she leaned her neck adorably.

"I think you'll find out if you look it up..."

Then Gaius asked.

"Can you look it up?

Rennis nodded after a few thoughts.

"... Yep. I think there's a death warrant somewhere."

Gaius nodded with a convincing face.

"I see. Death papers... Do you have any idea where that is?

"Yeah, right..."

Rennis looked around the floor, thinking again.

"Probably over there."

Ahead of Lennis pointing, there was a box of cardboard loaded with lots of noose.

Gaius looked at it and got a fed up look.

"Eh... no way. Is that all death papers or something?

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