Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty-one: The Man in the Center

"Lick-teng, hang on."

Further anger of the men stuck indoors.

But Gaius was, as always, the wind blowing.

"I'm not licking it. It's just - is it a little bothersome?

"I'm sure that's proof that you're licking."

"Really? Well, that's fine."

Gaius asked the man in the center when he twitched so.

"You're the one in this room?

The man looked calmly to measure Gaius.

And I still said calmly staring at Gaius.

"I have no right to ask you questions. Just answer this question."

When the man told him without discouragement, he further said:

"Who are you? Why were you sleeping here?

Gaius shrugged his shoulder like he had no choice.

"I can't help it. Answer me."

Gaius smiled niggardly and said.

"My name is Gaius Schneider."

The men looked at each other's faces and shook their heads beside each other.

And in a way that represented the men, the man in the center opened his mouth.

"That's a name you don't ask."

Gaius shrugged his shoulders again.

"That's too bad. My name isn't very famous in this hell, is it?"

"Then where would you be famous?


Then the men bothered.

The man in the center also frowned in surprise.

"You, what if you're a man on earth?

Gaius nodded naturally.

"Oh, yeah."

The men bothered further.

Then the man in the center took control of everyone.

"How did humans get to hell?

Then Gaius conceived.

"Uh-huh, only this time, I don't remember."

"What do you mean, only this time?

"Only this time, unlike always, I'm not sure of my memory."

"So you're telling me you've been here many times?

"Oh, yeah."

"... is that true?

A man in the center looked surprised.

Gaius said dissatisfied with what he could not believe.

"It's true. No, it's true."

"But then what are you doing here?

Gaius said with a good face to a man's doubts that could be taken for granted.

"I know a lot of people."

"Do you know him?"

"Oh, Astalotto, Delkia."

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