Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, in the belly.

Gaius shook his legs up again and again after that, he lowered them, and shook them up repeatedly.

It was thorough and persevered until the chunks of coal were completely gone.

"... ugh... this will be just fine..."

Gaius gently rubbed the floor, which had run out of chunks, to lick it with his toes.

And I smiled satisfied, making sure there was nothing to hit my toes.

"All right! Perfect"

When Gaius was satisfied, he turned his back curly and tried to leave the place to open the window.

One, two, and walked.

Then three, four steps.

And the moment Gaius shook up his fifth leg, it happened.


Gaius groaned unexpectedly.

But for what happened, I didn't even know if I groaned.

Gaius was confused.

But soon I realized it was hot around my stomach.

And I just looked at my stomach.

"Heh... heh..."

Gaius saw a black snake stabbed in his own stomach and groaned.

Gaius grabbed the black snake as he developed goosebumps all over his body.

And I tried to pull out all my strength.

But the power didn't come in well, and it didn't.

"Gu!... damn..."

Gaius worked desperately in his fading consciousness.

And I tried to pull it out again.

Then I managed to pull through this time.

Gaius immediately threw away the black snake.

And when he managed to dye his right hand red, even though his consciousness was blurred, he emitted a flame of red lotus.

"... gu... gu..."

Gaius desperately emitted a flame of red lotus, trying to figure out why the enemy was attacked back to its original appearance, despite burning all that down and crushing the charcoal completely.

However, the wound to the abdomen was huge, and with the red blood still pouring down, it was difficult to think about it.

"... damn... no... I can't stay conscious..."

The flames of the Red Lotus were already, without power, about to disappear now.

Gaius finally gave up his attack there and put away the Red Lotus Flame.

And he fell on his knees without strength, and then fell on the floor to his hands.

Gaius, however, could not even maintain an unusual quadriplegic posture and finally stuck himself on the floor.

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