Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Three: Do-s Nature

"... seriously I thought they would kill me..."

Gaius did the noisy thing again when he drank all the water from the dove at once.

Dove smiled bitterly.

"... that's not true. Most likely Delkia enjoyed it a lot."

Dove laughed when he said so.

Gaius finally took a breath or he got a little cheerful.

"I'm not kidding. I thought they were really gonna kill me."

"... well don't say that. That's why Delkia is so happy."

Gaius bent his mouth to the letter to.

"Isn't that just do-s..."

Dove laughed bitterly again.

"... not... no, there are parts of that..."

Gaius further bent the edge of his mouth to raise his voice of protest.

"No, I don't care what you think. He said it's almost a hundred percent de s hobby. Did you see that? That happy face. Every time I groaned, I was laughing with my body trembling."

Dove also had to pull back on this.

"... well sure..."

"What do you think? That's the nature of it."

"... no, not everything is..."

"Many times, it's almost a hundred. Almost a hundred."

Gaius ran out of confidence.

But Dove raised his mouth slightly there.

"... almost, which means that there's still room, albeit only a few?

Gaius then pinned up one eyebrow and sent a gaze against the dove.

"... it's not like that."

Then Dove laughed as he shook his shoulders up and down.

"... that's not quite true. The truth is, do you know that, too? that Master Delchia is delighted."

Then Gaius gave him a slightly perceived look.

"... well, somewhat. But come on, it seems persistent, but I think most of them are out of the do-s nature."

Gaius shrugged his shoulder when he said so.

Dove smiled bitterly.

"... oh, I guess so"

"Right? 'Cause I'm glad it's too tight for you."

"... that's all I'm happy about. Draw your feelings from Delkia."

Dove said so, sending a warm grin towards Gaius.

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