Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter one thousand nine hundred twenty-one stands out.


Gaius could not hide his surprise that the name of the unexpected person was brought from Satan's mouth.

"Why astalotto? Satan never talked to you, did he? But isn't it strange that Astalotto has spoken before?

Satan peppered out his big, long tongue and licked his tongue.

"Well, let's not be strange. I'm not interested in him, but he seems interested in Astarot."

But Gaius gave a hazy look.

"If you say so! Glenn, the ancient paperman, said. There's talk of an indigenous god named Auga and Astarot meeting on some rock. Could it be!"

Gaius asked Satan with a sure look.

"Well, isn't it the name Auga that reigns over the Satans?

But Satan answered without moving.

"Well. I've never heard his name or thought about it."

From Satan's expression, Gaius tried to gauge whether he was telling the truth.

"... sounds like you're telling the truth. What do you mean, the name is gone, and when you write a myth, you name it because you need it for convenience?

Satan raised the corner of his mouth quickly and nibbled.

"Maybe. Names, etc., are meant to distinguish them from others in the first place. If you take it for someone who doesn't know anything about other people, don't you need something like that?

Gaius frowned and thought.

"... I mean, that means you don't have the same guy as yourself, right?

Gaius raised a question that punched the core.

Satan nodded slowly, loudly.

"Don't be."

"Is there no doubt that only one person stands out completely? Actually, there's no other family?

"... you don't"

Satan put it between him carefully before answering.

Gaius deepened the wrinkles between his eyebrows.

"... that's so..."

Gaius kept his mouth shut without saying it to the end.

Satan looked closely at Gaius with interest.

That's what I said.

"What's up? If you have something to think about,

Say it. "

Gaius gave a harsh look and opened his mouth in what seemed difficult to say.

"... No, I'll stop. I'll hit him when I see him in person."

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