Reincarnation Monarch

Story one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one.

Gaius shrugged his neck looking bad.

"Huh, what the hell is that? But I'm the one with the infinite amount of magic, so it's my property, so why don't you give it to me?

Then Satan quickly dismissed the idea.

"Sure, that's your trait, but it wasn't earned by your efforts, was it? As I said earlier, it didn't grow as a result of my efforts."

Then Gaius finally noticed.

"Oh, hey, I get it. So, how can we let it grow more than it does now?

To Gaius's inquiry, Satan said as he gazed carefully at his whole body again.

"As I said earlier, your whole body is flooded with magic in traces. If it's growing demonic armor little by little, you can increase the amount of magic that overflows."

Gaius nodded.

"I see. But how about that?

"Meditate your eyes once and focus your consciousness"

Gaius closed his eyes as he was told.

And I took a deep, big deep breath and concentrated my consciousness.

Then Satan spoke to Gaius with a truly calm voice.

"Ask with your eyes closed. Can you feel the magic overflowing from your body?

Gaius kept his eyes closed, as he was told, to further focus his consciousness.

"... no, you don't feel..."

Satan nodded, adding:

"From what I can tell, magic is swirling around your body."

Gaius concentrated his consciousness even more and tried to feel it.

But the result was the same.

"No. I don't feel it. Are you sure it's out there?

Then Dove, watching beside him, called out.

"... Gaius, you can see it from me, too. There's definitely magic all around you."

Gaius nodded as he meditated his eyes.

"Right...... but I don't feel anything. That's right..."

Then Satan spoke up again.

"There's no rush. I don't care if you slow down."

To the unexpected gentle voice of Satan, Gaius nodded quietly, slightly bewildered.

"Okay. I'll try to focus more consciousness."

Gaius said so, breathing heavily with his eyes closed.

And when I stopped perfectly along the way, I stopped being microscopic without exhaling.

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