Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter One Thousand Nine Hundred and forty-eight: Trust and Credit

Gaius, glanced at by Satan and opened his eyes, gave a satisfying look when he saw the brilliantly blue aura eruptions of things subside and the ground crawl like when dry ice vaporized.

"You did it. Apparently, it worked."

Satan responded to Gaius, who raised his voice of joy.

"Uhm. Well done"

Gaius said confidently as he watched the blue aura still gushing with Bukubuku.

"I knew I wasn't a genius. When you really, really start concentrating, it's less than five minutes."

Satan accidentally leaked a bitter laugh.

"What are you talking about? It'll take you half an hour."

Gaius was surprised and questioned.

"Liar. Seriously."

"Do you think I would throw up such lies?

Gaius was cramped with answers.

"... uhh, no, well... I sure wouldn't say that... but in this case, it comes with an excuse..."

"What is that? What's that supposed to mean?

"No, well, I thought you'd be lying. I would be lying to you a few times before..."

"Well, you said you were lying to me? What kind of lies did I throw up?

Then it happened that Gaius was cramped with answers.

"Uh-huh, there's no such thing as this specifically. Hey, it's just, well, how dare you think I'm throwing up."

Then Satan laughed spirally with his nose.

"Without clear confirmation, do you doubt?

"Well, you know, the overall atmosphere kind of makes sense. Until I knew where, oh, I spit a lie somewhere."

Satan laughed with his nose again.

"Suspicious for such vague reasons is extraneous."

Then Gaius shrugged his shoulders.

"Well sure. But we don't trust each other."

Then Satan skewed the edge of his mouth and agreed.

"Right. You're absolutely right about that."

Gaius smiled sarcastically, looking at Satan's satanic smile, lifting his mouth up himself.

"But I do trust you to some extent. That's why we're here."

Then Satan said, the satanic grin stayed put.

"Fine. Shall we continue our training?

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