Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Seven: Toothpicks

But there appeared those who waited.

It is Gaius.

"Wait a minute!

Gaius ran out in a big hurry, sliding through the side of the dove and quickly reaching behind Delkia.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! He said no sooner!

Gaius slid through the side of Delchia, where Aura sprayed up, breaking forcefully in between the two.

Then he opened his hands and put them in front of his face, trying desperately to get rid of Delkia.

"Calm down! Just calm down! Let's settle the spear once. Here, put the aura away."

But that didn't stop it. It wasn't Delkia.

"What are you doing here, sir? If you're going to get in my way, you're going to be a dust mustard with me!

Gaius stood up bravely to Delkia, whose anger was so noisy that he shook his heart, but he couldn't come this far and back off.

"No, he said no! Just calm down."

Gaius tried to spoil Delkia in a desperate phase.

But Delkia still didn't stop.

The blue-white aura covering Delchia's entire body was so blurry, to the amount of eruptions.

Among them, the aura covering the area around both arms was dyed with dark blue, so much so that it was likely to explode even now.

Gaius was in a hurry.

From earlier on, a ball-like sweat had erupted from all over his body, as had Debul.

But Gaius, unlike Debul, naturally did not intend to martyr here.

But I didn't even intend to back off.

And Gaius consolidated his resolve.

It was about being able to have a fight with Delkia.

"Debul, stay back!

Gaius issued a word of warning or let the aura erupt at once.

Gaius' aura instantly sprayed high and high enough to reach the very high ceiling of the huge large hall at once.

Debul, surprised, retreated.

But soon the aura eruption subsided.

The blue aura, which was spraying up to the height of the ceiling, instantly shrunk its back and only applied a thin membrane-shaped one to the entire body of Gaius.

Then Delkia, who saw it, groaned his teeth as he stared at Gaius hatefully.

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