Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Nine: Further Leaps

Delkia stopped shouting and stopped attacking.

Then, turning back his heel, he began to walk again toward the table where he was.

Gaius unraveled the aura with a horrible look on his face.

Then he followed Delkia back to the table where he was.

Satan made an equally instantaneous move back to his seat earlier when he confirmed that Gaius was going through beside himself.

Gaius saw it and complained against Satan.

"Something wrong with that?

Satan replied as he sat back on the chair.

"It's my castle. Let's not have a problem."

"No, that's why I'm cheating."

"Hmm, if you like."

"Huh! Then there's nothing to talk about."

Gaius returned to his seat, complaining.

Delkia remained silent and was already in her seat.

Then here Satan cut his mouth fire.

"Well, as I just saw, Gaius' abilities grew exponentially. But I still think there's room for further improvement."

Gaius was surprised, waking up his body and asking.

"Seriously? What kind of a way do you think there is?

Satan replied with a grin on his mouth.

"Expand your demonic armor while wearing the aura, as you did earlier"

Then Gaius frowned.

Because when it came to demonic armor, I didn't yet have full confidence.

And that was the same for Satan, who gave me demonic armor.

"... demonic armor..."

Then Satan said with all the prospects and all the grin in his mouth.

"Can't you trust me?

Gaius replied with no intermittent hair.

"Sort of."

Satan laughed inclusively.

"Right. You have the suspicion that by deploying demonic armor, you will be ruled by me?

Gaius admitted honestly.

"Sort of. It's so suspicious."

"Is it still true? But demon armor doesn't have that kind of function. That's too much of your thinking."

Then Gaius, joking, said his eyes seriously.

"Is that true?

But Satan answered without putting in his hair.


When Satan said so, he stared sincerely into Gaius's eyes from the front.

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