Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven similarities

"Okay, so we got a piece on that one, right?

Satan said in a harsh voice.

Gaius and Zeldos both nodded.

Satan acknowledged and said again.

"Okay, I'll ask you another thing"

To Satan's words, Gaius snapped his neck.

"Another thing, what?

Then Satan laughed and said.

"You forgot? About your death."

Gaius slapped his hands with a pong, not to mention forgetting so much.

"Oh, well. It was."

Satan asked Zeldos, grinning.

"So, what do you say? What do you got?

Zeldos waved slowly or something.

"No, unfortunately..."

"Were there any similar incidents in the past?

"No, I looked into all this, but none of the cases were similar."

Satan thought as he rubbed his own jaw.

"Right. No similar incidents?"

"But for one thing, I'm curious."

Everyone looked back and watched what Zeldos said.

Zeldos took a breath as his gaze crossed.

"Even after three raids by Gaius Schneider raiders, we don't see similarities."

Then Satan said just fine.

"What do you mean?

"It's the first raid on the meadow, but according to Gaius himself, the killer was turning into something"

Gaius nodded.

"Oh, definitely. He was alone in the beginning. I was dressed like a normal person. I didn't have any suspicions. But he came at me all of a sudden."

"You had limbs, not like snakes then, didn't you?

"Oh, there it is. I was really dressed like a normal person. But when I knocked him out, he showed up inside like a snake, and I was devoured."

"You didn't have any witnesses then, did you?

"Probably. I didn't make sure, but it was a big place, and at least there was no shadow where I could see it."

Zeldos nodded greatly and moved on to the next question.

"Then about the second raid, but this was in the public eye. Right?

Gaius also nodded loudly.

"Oh, the police station was suddenly attacked in the middle of the day. There were a lot of them. And many police officers were killed. Your friend was in there, wasn't he?

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