Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety: The Name of the Enemy

"Well, with an armored warrior. You still have a different type."

Satan asked curiously.

Gaius nodded loudly.

"Oh, it's all falling apart. But somehow, I can smell the same enemy."

Then Satan began to rub his own jaw.

"The smell of the same enemy... I see. But I wonder if it's the body of the enemy.

Not knowing what Satan meant to ask, Gaius twisted his neck.

"Yeah? What do you mean?

Satan slowly rehearsed the question.

"Let's say the enemies are identical. But the enemies who appear, they always change their appearance and come out. So it's not the enemy's body in itself, it's not the enemy's subordinate, or the enemy's split or something?

Satan's inquiry prompted Gaius to arm and start thinking carefully.

"I see. You know what... it's possible. Yeah, it could be."

"Hmm, then ask further. Do you have any idea who that enemy is?

Then Gaius answered without putting his hair in between.

"It's Lucifer. It's up to him."

Then this time Satan put on an arm and thought about it.

"... fulfill it, do you?

Gaius frowned at Satan for what he had to say.

"Something that seems familiar?

Satan laughed at the way Gaius was convinced.

"Right. I know... I know."

Gaius inquired without putting in his hair.


Satan corrected his manners and looked directly at Gaius.

And he said with a low and harsh voice.

"He who made me."

Gaius was surprised to keep an eye on him.

And the same was true of all who were here.

In it Gaius remembered all that had been done before, and spinning his words.

"... you know what... but why me? Why are you targeting me? What's the reason?

Then Satan laughed a lot.

"You'll have plenty of time."

Gaius peeled his eyes and revealed his anger.

"What is that, free time? I'm not kidding."

Then Satan said with a nigga and a nasty grin in his mouth.

"This is no joke. That's what he used to be."

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