Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Four: Cold Air

"Another guest? Who are you talking about?

Gaius responded quickly to Satan's remarks and inquired.

"We'll see about that soon"

Satan did not answer, only smiled thinly.

Gaius turned out to be a strange look and accidentally looked at Delkia.

"Guess who?

Gaius spoke, as he completely forgot about the fight he had had earlier.

Delkia then answered in an equally blatant manner.

"Uh-huh, I don't know. That's what you think?

Delkia questioned me and Gaius put his arms together.

"Right... you're a guest, right? So... what if it's Iris or something?

Then Delkia looked blatantly disgusted.

"Then I'll go home."

Delkia looked sincerely disgusted and told me to throw it away.

Gaius turned into a troubled face.

"Well, don't say that. And Iris isn't a bad guy."

But Delchia's reaction was fierce inside.

"Is that why! I'm sure it's up to the bad guys!

Gaius became an even more troubled face.

"No, well, sure, there's nothing bad about it, but you mean it's not that bad..."

But Delkia couldn't get her hair in.

"No, I'm sorry! He's a bottomless jerk!

Gaius gave up going in between no longer.

"Ahhh, this is no good..."

Then Delkia stretched her chest and tumbled up her chin.

"Hmm! Golden Wheel, let's not waste it between me and him!

Gaius lost his word to Delkia, who says fluently.

Then the air in the field changed.

Everyone suddenly remembered the feeling that the cold air rushed around the area.

Everyone felt the strangeness and looked in the same direction with a rugged expression.

There, Lucifer stood.

Gaius opened his mouth gently and was taken aback by the appearance of God he hadn't seen in a long time.

"... Lucifer..."

No one opened their mouths until Gaius finally spoke the name.

For this reason, in the great hall, only the hard footsteps of Lucifer walking and tricks were echoed for a long time.

And in their immediate vicinity, just about five M., Lucifer finally stopped.

"Hey guys. You're in line."

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