Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson Two Thousand Six: Interference

"Oh, yeah. I'm talking about the past."

Gaius said in a clear tone and firmly.

Lucifer still said with a thin grin affixed to its neat face.

"Yes. So what have I done to you in the past?

Unexpectedly Gaius frowned at Lucifer's inquiry.

"Say what? It's... it's different."

"A lot...... then I'm not sure. Can you be specific?

Pursued by Lucifer, Gaius was stuck in words.

"... it's..."

"What's that? I want you to give me a very specific example and tell me."

Gaius was distressed by the answer to Lucifer, who attacked further.

"... no, that's..."

And when he saw Gaius, who could not answer, he said with a smile, and a gaze of shooting.

"You don't have any specific memories, do you? What do you think, what I'm saying is wrong?

Then Gaius barked reflexively.

"You must have tampered with my memory anyway!

Lucifer, however, did not let Gaius' anger faint, but smiled again at his mouth and shook his neck quietly and slowly.

"I didn't do that"

"It's a lie!

"It's not a lie"

"No, absolutely lying! Well, then, if it wasn't you, who the hell would say you tampered with it!

Then, unlike before, Lucifer distorted his mouth greatly.

"That's settled. You talked about that earlier, that being."

Gaius looked like he had been struck by lightning in his brain.

"... the creator? ……

To the stunned Gaius, Lucifer struck a chase.

"I don't have the ability to interfere with peculiarities. The only person who can do that is the creator you named."

Gaius' complexion changed as he saw it.

Though he gradually blued at first, he gradually began to darken and eventually turned into a lifeless, earthy color like the dead.

Gaius became eye-catching, his point of view uncertain, and swayed here and there.

But after time, he tried to ask whether he had calmed down a little, or whether his earthy complexion remained intact, opening his trembling lips like this.

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