Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 221: Blaming

"What are you saying? What are you saying?

Gaius barked.

But we didn't lose against Delkia either.

"Holy shit, you didn't say anything wrong! You have nothing to be delicate about! How can you argue that way, you're gonna suffer from understanding!

"You'll be able to argue with it! I'm pretty sure there's something delicate about me, and I hurt you!

Then Delkia stood on Haas and gazed at Gaius with a dazed eye.

"Huh? Who said you were hurt?

Gaius said, impatiently with his hair.

"It's me! Me! Delkia broke my delicate heart when I was rummaged over by a suspect quote! I told you earlier!

"I heard. I did hear that, but listen, oh, I don't know! There's no way!

"Why not!

"That's why I'm telling you! You're hurting my balls about you!

"What the hell!

Gaius groaned and yelled.

Stand also under Delkia.

"What, you!

"Just apologize!

"Who apologizes!

The two glanced at each other's foreheads perfectly, pushing and pulling.



The barren rhetoric lasted for a while.

Then finally, Dove moved like, oh man.

"… often, wait"

Dove said with a calm voice as he peeled them off.

"… it is true that Master Delkia blamed Gaius for the unforeseen suspicion"

Dove blamed his husband, Delkia.

Delkia swelled her cheeks so dissatisfied that there was no more, she mumbled.

Gaius, against whom he thought he would be impelled anyway, gave a look of surprise for a moment, but his expression changed quickly and became full of joy.


But where Gaius got good at it and Delkia tried to blame it, Dove controlled it by making a rare shout out.

"... but! What Gaius says is nothing but a great deal! So here, it's a good place to share the pain!

Dove's argument was fair that he would never put his shoulder in either, and the two of them had no choice but to silence, without two sentences succeeding.

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