Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 243: I showed up outside the door...

For the first time in a long time, Gaius slowly relaxed his body, although he had temporarily hardened himself, especially since he could not see anything coming.

The condition was so distracting that whoever could see it, but still nothing happened.

Gaius still kept relaxing his body and waiting for his opponent to set something up, but still nothing ever happened, so he finally cut off his paralysis and jumped up.

"Come on! Do something! You've attacked me!? Then do something!

Gaius shouted and appealed.

Because I thought it was not going to sound like the next room anyway.

But I didn't get that prediction.

After a while, I heard a knock on the door.

But Gaius was glad to think that the change had finally appeared.

And when he approached the door in a relaxed foothold, he pulled the door inward at once.

"... what's up, Gaius? I heard a loud voice, did something happen?

There was a look of Dove with a surprising look on his face there.

Gaius was surprised, followed by a troubled look.

"... dove? Are you sure it's Dove himself?

Dove's surprising expression became even deeper.

"... what are you talking about? Whatever. I'm Dove himself, right?


"... what are you really talking about? Didn't we just split up in front of the door earlier... what really happened?

Gaius' expression of perplexity also deepened.

"... no, things went wrong in my room just now. The floor was bent. I think that's the same as when you were attacked before..."

Dove frowned and made a rugged look.

"... is that the guy you used to say?... I see, so what happened?

Gaius spread his hands wide and squeezed his shoulders.

"No, nothing"

"... nothing?

"Oh, the space is distorted, and if you think you've come, nothing's happened since then... So, come on, if you get angry and yell at me, I hear a knock on the door, so I think the change has finally appeared..."

"... you mean I showed up"

Gaius replied by bending his mouth to the letter to.

"That's what you say"

That's what Gaius thought with a rugged face.

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