Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 271: Impossible Changes

Then Gaius reacted aggressively.

"I'm not old! What are you talking about?

But Delkia kept staring seriously at Gaius' face.

"... no, if you say you're old, let's say you're grown up. You look so grown-up, you don't even notice."

Gaius has changed the way Delchia expresses herself, resulting in a jittery face.

"... me?

"Oh, I didn't know if it was because I've always been with you lately, but when I look at it again, my face is obviously changed. Honestly, I'm surprised."

"Seriously? Is that so?

That's what Gaius said and saw Dove.

Dove nodded slowly and loudly.

"... hmm. Actually, I noticed earlier. You're obviously an adult."

Gaius raised her eyebrows and roared.

"Hmm, I don't really know..."

"... I guess so. But from my point of view, it's quite a change."

"That much?"

Gaius said surprisingly to the strength of Dove's words.

But Dove said more without changing his expression at all.

"... and it's a change unlikely to be human."

Gaius shouted further.

"What do you mean?

"... that means as it is. Normal human growth doesn't explain how fast you grow up."

Then Gaius finally lost his word.

Dove pursued them relentlessly.

"... and... Nonetheless, your words and actions are rejuvenating in inverse proportion to your appearance. Don't you think it's strange?

Gaius finally spinned his words while watching.

"... then, is that really what you just said?

Dove nodded heavily.

"... that's right. Not only Delkia, but this is what I really thought. Never to make fun of you."

Then, Delchia, who usually mixed it up, also said with a serious face.

"... hmm, this is a monster... I wonder if there's any harm in going to another dimensional space?

And Gaius and Dove were together.

And Gaius, the party, spoke first.

"That's why!

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