Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 283: For the Time being

"... hmm, this is troublesome..."

Gaius glanced at Delkia from the shadows, pointing his eyebrows and showing his face.

"In the meantime, I just want you to keep talking about it...."

Dove spoke to Delkia as if he had heard Gaius murmuring from afar.

"... Dear Delkia, I understand your feelings, but could you please put in a math to talk to Zephyras for the time being?

In the words of Dove, Gaius shook his head and nodded as he gained my affection from afar.

But in contrast, Delchia blubbed in dissatisfaction.

"... wait a minute. I have something more to say to him."

Delkia kept telling Zephyras that the conversation was over.

But Dove didn't pull here either.

"... things are serious. I wonder if this is the place to get angry and make conversation with Zephyras a priority....."

Delchia sharpened her mouth to the point that there was no more.

But I wondered if Dove was right, and after a while I nodded reluctantly.

"... um... okay. Zephyrus for now, huh? All right, all right."

Delkia unfortunately listened to Dove.

"Hey, Karin! I would like to have a conversation with Zephyras anyway. You haven't arrived yet?

But Karin's answer to the question seemed less fragrant, and Delchia became even more unhappy.

"... uhhh, why don't you let someone pick you up? I bet there's someone under you who can fly faster.

But Karin's answer seemed unsatisfactory, and Delchia's expression remained cloudy.

Gaius watched the situation from afar and was dismayed.

"Hmm, which one is it? You can't? Can't you call him right away? When that happens, the sister quarrel is about to start flashy again...."

Gaius watched the situation unfold while being harassed.

Suddenly Delchia's melancholy face suddenly turned bright.

Gaius! Whoa! And then he stepped out big.

Delkia finally opened her mouth.

"All right! You've arrived? Then you can ask questions right away, right?

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