Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 286 Long Examination

"Zephyrus of the Long Examination?... I have a bad feeling about this..."

Gaius pulled the edge of his mouth sideways.

Delchia also looked steep and called Karin.

"Karin, what do you think? Did Zephyras take a long test?

Karin apparently responded, and Delkia frowned.

"So, how long is it going to take?

Hearing Karin's reply, Delchia shrugged her shoulders in the face.

"... there's no way I can tell. Well, I guess that's true about this....."

Delkia said that she had given up on them.

Gaius looked in trouble.

"How long does that take up to?

Dove answered this question.

"... I heard that it could take a few days..."

"A few days!? Seriously? What's taking you so long?

"... oh, I'm not sure because it's a rumor, but that's what I'm hearing."

"No, so you're just gonna wait here for a few days?

Dove couldn't make up his mind and saw Delchia.

When Delchia noticed the gaze, she told him to throw up.

"I can't wait a few days like this!

Delchia told Gaius to throw up, and now he called out to Karin.

"Karin! Then let me know when Zephyras has finished his long exam! Bye!"

Delchia said that she had lost contact with Karin, and walked with Sta to pick up the decanter placed on the table, holding the cup in her other hand and pouring water into it.

And Delchia drank it with a quick breath.

Delchia exhaled satisfactorily and said to Gaius.

Alright! Then we'll have time to explore the city.

Delchia smiled so much.

Gaius gave it back with a stupid look.

"No, then you'll go to the royal palace. That was the original purpose."

Then Delchia looked up diagonally and drowned.

"Yes, was it?

Gaius slipped into it.

"That's right. Let's go back to the royal palace."

Delchia sharpened her mouth with dissatisfaction.

Then Dove called out to Gaius worried.

"... how are you? Is it okay to walk?

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