Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 211 Honor

Gaius nodded at Delkia's confirmatory question.

"Oh, I can't help it. However!"

Gaius shouted and threatened Delkia.

"Don't just pretend to be found on purpose.

Delchia once again smiled with her nose.

"Do it or don't do it"


"Of course."

"Then swear to me."

Delchia raised her eyebrows.

"To what?

Gaius replied quickly.

"To someone important to Delkia."

The wrinkles between Delchia's eyebrows became deeper.

"... what is that..."

"That's why I'm important. You're in Delkia, aren't you?

Delchia became fluffy and blushed her face without heart.

"... I wonder. Such a person....."

Gaius was surprised and repeatedly asked.

"No, you're here, right? About one person."

Delchia said obviously angrily to Gaius, who was relentlessly approaching.

"Shut up! There's nothing left! You can't stay with me!

Then Gaius looked at Delchia with her face forward as if she were deeply surprised.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you sure you're not here? None of them?

Delchia became furious at Gaius, who was further questioned.

"Let's say he's not here! Hold on, you!

"No, but now, if someone doesn't swear to me... I'd hate to be imitated as if I could be found on purpose..."

Delkia said with an electrolithographic flame.

"I told you not to! He's troublesome. Verily, I swear by you. To myself."

"No, even if I swear to myself....."

"I don't know what to say! I'm one of the best in hell! I swear by my own honor. There's more!

But Gaius had a faint expression.

"... because it's Delkia... while saying something about my own honor, oh, sorry. I did it. I'm about to finish it....."

As Gaius put it, Delchia was furious.

"What do you think I am! I won't do that! Absolutely!

Gaius sent suspicious eyes to Delchia.

Are you sure ~

Delkia made a quick affirmation.

"It was true!!"



Gaius shrugged his shoulders and finally showed a convincing expression.

"Okay. Then I'll trust you."

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