Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 225 Acceptance

"... it looks like it's okay..."

Gaius, who looked slightly at his face from a different space, said it was him.

Then Delchia, who peered at her face from the gap, whispered as she gazed around.

"Really? Isn't he still out there on that rampage?

Gaius was also worried about Delkia's words, and he glanced at his ears as he wandered.

"... are you okay?... I don't make any noise at all..."

Delchia also pushed her hand against the back of her ear so that she could hear the surrounding sound without leaking it.

"... hmm. Looks like he's not here."

Delkia said that, spreading the rift of alien space all at once and jumping out of it.

And he stretched his legs to the other side of the ramp, and looked down the hallway and said.

Mm-hmm. I don't think so.

Gaius also caught up and looked down the corridor like Delkia.

"I'm glad for now."

Delchia slightly stuck Gaius in the head.

"I'm glad for now. You idiot."

Gaius nodded without a word to return.

Then Dove, who appeared from the other side of the collision, set off a rescue ship for Gaius.

"... Dear Delkia, it seems that Gaius is also reflecting. Please leave me alone."

Delchia snorted lightly.

"Not bad. So, what are you gonna do?

Delkia asked Gaius again about her recent concerns.

Gaius still seemed unconscionable, with a look of anguish.

"No, that's... still nothing..."

Then Delchia said without putting in her hair.

Well then, can we make a frontal break?

Gaius nodded, but rebelled against this idea alone.

"No! That's just... let me think about it for a second."

"How long will it take you to think about it? You've been thinking about it for a while now, and it's not a conclusion at all."

"No, that might be true... but wait a little longer."

"This is what happens to you in the first place?

"I know... but I don't like forced breakthroughs..."

Delchia took a big breath, then exhaled with a loud sound.

"Okay. Then I'll give you enough time. Think before you do. You know what? We're not going to do it again."

Gaius had no choice but to accept Delkia's assertion.

"... okay..."

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