Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 249: The Rare Light

"Oh, good. It's a match."

Gaius said bravely.

Delkia made a suggestion.

"We need something to multiply. If you lose, why don't you listen to the winner for the rest of your life?

Despite an overwhelming battle in his favor, Delchia set unforgiving conditions.

But Gaius was overwhelmed by the flow of the conversation.

"Okay. Don't regret losing."

Gaius suddenly gave up.

However, I immediately remembered that I was overwhelmingly disadvantaged in the darkness around me, and I almost certainly felt that I was the one who was most likely to regret it.

And it was already too late to look at Delchia with a bloodthirsty sound.

Delkia rang the gong without even allowing Gaius to flip.

Okay, here we go.

Delchia said so and walked out of the way.

Gaius lost sight of me and left in a blink of an eye.

Gaius regretted violently in the dark.

Dove said to Gaius that he was in a bad mood.

"... don't overdo it."

Dove said so, chasing Delkia away.

Gaius, who was left alone, sighed with deep regret.

"... uhh, I did it..."

Gaius murmured in the dark, but remembered that he had not yet lost completely, and decided to start walking.

But the darkness of darkness is spreading before my eyes.

Gaius hesitated slightly but thought it was not clear that there was no light and magically lit the light on the fingertip of his right hand.

"... if it's too bright, it's easy for the guards to find it... this much finesse..."

Gaius' fingertip lighting was an unreliable light.

For this reason, it was not enough to illuminate the area, but only enough to be able to check the feet slightly.

"... my goodness. I can't see where I'm going... but not anymore..."

Gaius said so and saw a blurry window with a gloomy light.

There was a faint reflection of my creepy face.

"... stupid me. I don't think there's a chance of winning like this."

It was Gaius who fell into self-loathing, but he took a powerful step by stirring himself up that he didn't know until he was wasting his clothes.

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