Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 251 In a Quiet Room

Gaius gazed into the leaking room.

Inside, there were amazing people standing.

"... Astarot..."

Gaius called out the name of the person with a faint smile in front of her.

"Hi, Gaius. More than anything else, you look fine."

Astarot said quietly with a calm voice.

Gaius was surprised that the next word did not come out.

That's why he cared about Gaius and Astarot opened his mouth.

"You surprised me. Would you like to come inside for now?

Astarot invited Gaius with a relaxed and elegant movement.

And he also quietly and slowly backed down.

The interior of the room was a very elegant structure that created a quiet atmosphere.

In the center of the room, there was a large round table with a very calm tone.

Astarot moved to the deepest part of the room and quietly lowered his hips to the chair.

As Gaius watched closely, he slowly and silently stepped into the room.

Then he held the back of the chair in front of him, opposite the round table, and quietly pulled.

After gaius glanced at the chair for a moment, he sat down with all his thoughts.

"Astarot, you're still here."

Gaius shouted loudly.

Astarot smiled bitterly.

"Gaius, you don't have to shout so loud. This room is very quiet."

Gaius snorted one breath.

I see. Well, how about this?

Gaius dropped a little tone.

Astarot also smiled bitterly.

"That's right. I wonder if it's just that good."

Gaius snorted again and glanced at Astarot.

Astarot, I have a few questions for you.

"I don't know. I hope you can answer me....."

"I'll get an answer. That's why I'm here."

"That's right. I wonder if you've come all the way from hell?

"Oh, because you disappeared."

Oh, yeah.

"Let's hear it first. Why 'd he disappear? Why are you here?

Astarot shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"Well... let me just say... it wasn't my will..."

Gaius wooshly narrowed his eyes to say something stuck in Astarot's back teeth.

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