Reincarnation Monarch

Two thousand and fifty-seven words: Denshu

"The Earth God Ogre? ...... Oh, yeah, there was such a guy. ...... What was he like?

He tried his best to dig out the knowledge about the ogre that Gaius must have in a corner of his mind.

But it didn't work as well as he thought, and he couldn't recall much.

"......? What was it? Where did it come from?

Gaius continued to twist his head.

He finally succeeded in pulling it out.

I got it! It's the one Glenn was talking about. He's the ancient god of Lohengrin, the most powerful god in all of literature.

Astaroth smiled.

Yes. He is indeed the most powerful god.

I knew it. Oh, and by the way, there is something in the literature about you talking somewhere .......

Astaroth nodded slowly several times.

I know. That's right. It seems that's what they say in the human world.

Gaius twisted his head when he heard Astaroth's statement.

So it's not really true, is it?

Astaroth nodded with a straight face.

No. No.

How is it different?

I'm sure you've heard of it, but I've never heard of it.

It's not that I'm not a good person. I'm sure you've heard of him.

Gaius tried to sort out what Astaroth was saying in his head, but he couldn't figure out what the word "wordless" meant.

"What does ...... mean by 'wordless'?

It means exactly what it means. He doesn't use words, he invades the mind.

Gaius gave him an awkward look.

There's ...... something ...... creepy about that. ......

"Yeah, it is. It's not very pleasant.

I know, ...... but it's okay. Even if we don't use words, we can still communicate with each other, can't we?

Yes, he can. Yes, although it's mostly a one-way communication of his will.

Well, that's not really a conversation, is it?

Yes. So if you're asking me if we talked, I'd have to say we didn't.

"I see. But you did meet him?

"Yes. At the Great Tree, as the legend goes.

And what did they tell you?

That time? I don't know. ...... It was too long ago for me to remember.

Astaroth said, looking Gaius straight in the eye.

It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

So, Gaius left this matter aside for the time being and tried to move on with the conversation.

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