Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 281: Time to Wrap Up

"... I see.I'm busy..... "

Gaius whispered that she was somehow unconvinced.

But Delkia didn't mind and said more.

"It's a waste of time to come here in the first place.It doesn't change where you're going. "

Delkia said further.

Gaius returned it in an astonishing manner.

"... that's exactly what I was saying..."

"That's right. If I'm funny, that's good!

"... ahh, I see..."

"That's why I said so!Come on, let's go!

"Eh? Ah, ahh...."

Gaius looked even more astonished at Delchia, who was already willing to go.

Delchia stared at Gaius in a troublesome way.

"What, you're not going?

"No, it's not like that...."

"Then what is it?

No, I wonder if Dallow is ready now?I thought so. "

"I don't mind. There must be stalls and stuff at the destination."

"All I'm interested in is stalls...."

"I'm not obsessed with stalls.There's nothing wrong with the restaurant. "

"No, that's not what I meant...."

Delchia revealed her expression of anger.

"Then what is it?He's a pain in the ass. "

"No, there's nothing else I can do for Astarot....."

Gaius said so loudly that Delchia would stop him.

"No! Come on, let's go!

As soon as Delchia abandoned him, he turned his heel and started walking toward the door.

Dove followed along accordingly.

Looking at it, Gaius saw Astarot in a bit of a hurry.

Astarot was shrugging his shoulders with a bitter smile.

Ah, then I'll go.

Gaius said so, and Astarot immediately responded.

Oh, I'll see you later.

Yeah, I'll see you later.

Gaius ran after Delchia, who was already hiding behind the door.

"Hey, wait!

Gaius called out loudly to Delchia, who might have gone a long way.

Then Delchia's face burst out of the shadow of the door unexpectedly.

Gaius applied the brake suddenly in a hurry.

"Well, what's the matter?

But Delchia ignored Gaius and shouted at Astarot.

"Hey, do something about the maze!

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