Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 284: Bokeh


"... ah, that's right..."

Gaius said foolishly with a sloppy face.

Delchia seemed to be in a state of deep disappointment and said further.

"Have you been acting weird lately?Are you a little bothered?

"... no, at this age..."

Meanwhile, Gaius was suddenly struck by anxiety.

The complexion became worse and the expression was stiff.

"Hey, Gaius. What are you staring at?Let's fly. "

Delchia said sharply.

At the same time, the guards appeared from the shadow of the building.

Gaius tightened his mind for now.

"Okay. Let's fly."

Gaius surfaced softly.

Delkia, Dove just floated up.

Delkia nodded at Gaius's face.

"All right, I guess it's okay for now.Okay, let's go. "

Delchia detonated the aura at that moment.

Aura vigorously pushed Delchia's body into the air.

This was followed by Dove and Gaius.

A three-muscle aura was thrown by the three of them, pulling a beautiful tail into the night sky.

Then the three turned north and flew away with a beautiful tail.


"For now, let's get down."

Delchia called out to Dove as he flew at high speed.

"... I understand.Gaius "

Dove called out to Gaius, who was flying next door.

Although Gaius was a little over the sky, he managed to react.

"... hmm? Ah, ahh.What's the matter with you?

"... we're going down once."

"Ah, ah. Okay."

When Gaius finished, Delchia began to descend.

Following Dove and Gaius, the three slowly descended into a small town.

Hmm, isn't this a nice and relaxing town?

Delkia smiled and said she liked the atmosphere of the town.

"... yes. It looks like a quiet town."

Delchia then pointed to the center of the town.

"Isn't that a hotel?Let's go. "

Delchia hurried on.

Dove and the others followed, and the three entered the center of town.

"Hmm, it still looks like a hotel.Let's just stay there for today. "

Delkia said so and walked with Sta alone.

Gaius looked anxious and followed Dove.

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