Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2211 Chaotic Tea

Gaius goes to the endless plains.

But the step by step was too heavy.

"... the scenery hasn't changed at all..."

At last Gaius fell into the ground.

Landed from the waist and then attached back.

And he threw out his limbs, and fell down on his back with a large figure.

"Oh, my God. I failed. I had to go back to the woods."

Gaius looked up at the clear blue sky without a cloud and said in a tone of remorse.

"But hey, I can't go back anymore. Ah, I've misjudged."

Gaius exhaled regret toward the sky with a tired expression.

But it didn't make things any better, so Gaius switched his mind there.

"I wonder why the magic is gone.It's too sudden.I wonder why I slept in the woods, and furthermore, I don't have any memories of it... or anything like that. "

Gaius murmured in a tone of abandonment.

"And that enemy... I woke up and I couldn't understand why.I mean, that's all that's happened.What are you talking about... "

Gaius pushed her lower lip forward, and when she was dissatisfied, she looked at her face.

"What is my newest memory in the first place...."

Gaius decided to follow his memory.

But for some reason, I couldn't remember.

"... eh, what do you mean... I don't know the time series of memories... eh, really... oh, what kind of recent memories..."

Gaius tried to retrace his memory with a desperate figure.

But I couldn't remember in chronological order.

"... what is this... confusing memory... Wait, wait, wait... I'm not kidding..."

Gaius couldn't help but wake up his torso there.

Then I held the temples on the left and right with my right hand and tried to wake up my memory even more desperately.

But I still don't remember well.

Gaius' memories were so cloudy that he couldn't tell everything from childhood to youth.

Gaius sweats and blues his face.

"... it's a mess... it's all a mess... what am I supposed to do now..."

Gaius had no choice but to look stunned.

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