Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2213: Tears Falling from Zero


Gaius continued walking silently.

My thirsty throat was stuck from the other day, and I could no longer complain.

As a result, it became a feather to walk silently for ever.

But the steps are heavy.

I haven't been going very far since.

When I thought I raised my leg, I almost rubbed it on the ground and walked forward, and the stride was very narrow.

As a result, the pace of walking was extremely slow.

Although his eyes were facing forward, he fell deeply and became a wandering object.

There is no oil on the skin and if you touch it, you will probably hear something like when you touch a fallen leaf that is decaying.

His arms were hanging and his hips were bent.

It was no longer the limit of my health.

Gaius stopped there.

And as I looked away, I opened my dry and wrinkled lips and made my mouth pound.

But I tried to say something, but it didn't make a sound.

And Gaius fell down on the ground.

Gaius' body bounced lightly on the ground.

Because he could not accept any of them, he clashed with the ground.

It seems that Gaius' mouth was cut by the fallen applause.

The red stuff drifted off my mouth.

Hugh can be heard from the throat.

Gaius' face, lying on his face, did not feel alive.

Gaius closed his eyelids quietly.

Slowly, slowly, just like when people finish their lives.

Gaius' life was no longer the light of the wind.

He lay face to face on the ground, quietly breathing, and slowly waited for the time of the end to come.

Just like that, it's just past time.

Nothing happened, quietly, but the hour passed.

Then Gaius' eyelids slowly and quietly opened.

Nevertheless, it did not open clearly.

It was only slightly open.

The eyes were filled with tears.

I don't know why, but I must have felt unreasonable about my life ending up in a place I've never seen before.

The tears burst out.

Tears fell from the corner of my eyes to the ground.

Many drops and drops fell.

Then suddenly something amazing happened.

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