Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2235 Festival


"Hmm, I see, but I just feel pretty old..."

Gaius said that he couldn't give up.

Alma said decisively whether she wanted Gaius to give up or not.

"If the people in the village had cleaned so carefully, could they do it for such a long time?I mean, it's really old, right?I would have cleaned it carefully for a very long time. "

Then Gaius twitched her cheeks as if she had forgotten about it.

"... sure... it's a nonsense to keep cleaning up for over a thousand years..."

"Isn't that right? Isn't it quite new?"

But Gaius still seemed unconvinced.

"No, but come on, I couldn't identify the university lab in the '80s.You should be able to do it if it's new. But why..... "

Alma shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know what you're telling me."

Gaius was also reluctantly convinced of Alma's natural dialogue.

"Well, that's right...."

Gaius said that and looked up at the company again.

After seeing a company that was almost black and dull in color, Gaius tilted his neck in a state he didn't really understand.


By the way, is there any literature left in this company?

Alma tilted her neck to ask Gaius.

"Literature?... I'm sure it is, but... it's not very common in the company.I don't know. "

"I guess so... so do the villagers?"

"I think so. We'll be together at the festival, but we won't open it."

"What kind of festival?"

"No matter what they say... it's normal.Dancing and offering.Adults drink. "

"Hmm... but you're always offering, right?Something special at the festival? "

Then Alma smiled and replied.

"Yes, I'll serve you a big liquor barrel.Four of them. Put them on the altar in front of each company. "

"Well, each company. Does that mean... that there is a god of four pillars?"

Alma leaned her neck a lot.

"... uhh, I don't think so.I think it's just the Orga gods... but it might be a little weird if they did say it... "

Just as Alma tilted her neck, so did Gaius.

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