Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2238 The Belly of the Mountain


"I appreciate you showing me around... but is that okay?"

Gaius said sorry.

But Alma was already walking out.

"Fine, it's not a lot of effort."

Gaius rushed after Alma, asking more questions.

"But isn't it far?Two hours from Alma's house, the village is on the other side of this mountain, right?Then it'll take about two hours from here again. "

Alma walked back and replied lightly.

"Yes, the village is on the other side of the mountain, but unlike the house at the foot of the mountain, it's in the middle.That's why it's not that far.I'll be there in about 30 minutes. "

"Really? Is it in the middle of the mountain?"

"Yes, that's right."

It was a clear answer from Alma, but Gaius twisted his neck.

Alma looked at it and asked strangely.

"What's wrong?"

Then Gaius said while twisting his neck.

"No, I wonder why I went so far to build a village in the middle of the mountain."

Then Alma showed a convincing expression.

"Oh, that's right. It would certainly be more convenient to live on the plains.But the plains beyond the mountains are very unsuitable for growing crops with wetlands.That's why the villagers use the slopes of the mountains to make a variety of crops.That's how I make a living. "

And now Gaius looked convinced.

"I see. So it's in the middle of the mountain?Great, then it looks like we're close. "

"Yeah, so don't worry about it. It's about the stuff."

Gaius laughed at Alma.

Well, I guess I'll show you around.

"All right, follow me."

That said, Alma took a light step.

Gaius also became lighter and followed after Alma.


"There it is, Kite Village."

Alma pointed forward and said.

Gaius nodded when he saw a slight artificial building in the mountains.

"Oh, yeah, it was, like I said, pretty close."

"Isn't that right? I think it's just about 30 minutes."

Maybe so.

That's right.

Alma said that a little early.

Gaius continued, and the two headed for the village of Kate at a higher speed.

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