Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2243 References

"Well, well... hahahaha..."

Alma said with surprise that Gaius was struggling with Zinka's leopard.

"I had a longing for zinka. It might be quite a surprise."

Then, Zinka's expression just turned out to be unexpected.

"It doesn't matter, does it?You don't admire that kind of alma? "

Then Alma said that it was tight.

"I don't have one."

Zinka said with a cold expression.

Oh, yeah.

Gaius looked in trouble and laughed in love between the two.

Jilba, the village chief, smiled and said.

"This is a problem for our guests.Keep it that way. "

Zinka coughed up cohon after Zilba, her grandfather and village chief.

"Of course. I'm sorry."

That's what Zinka said and lowered her head.

Gaius answered in trouble.

"Oh, oh, no, it's totally fine."

Gilba said to Gaius.

"Augusta, you wanted to see God's literature, right?"

"Yes, is it possible to see?"

Jilba nodded at the hawk.

"Oh, I don't mind. Zinka, show him the way."

Zimba told me, and Zinca smiled and invited me.

"Well, here we are. The literature is in another room."

Gaius also looked in trouble at Zinka's cliché.

"Ah, no, if you could just tell Frank more..."

Zinka said brightly to the cash.

"Oh, yeah? Well, come here."

Gaius smiled at Zinka's suddenly unusual use of words, but then tried to follow suit.

But then I stopped and turned back to Zilba and thanked him deeply.

Zilba raised her right hand and answered, while sitting down her head.

Gaius left the room with Alma beside him, following the Zinka he was waiting for.

This is the room.

Zinka opened the door at the beginning and went inside.

Following Gaius and Alma, the three entered the room where the literature was available.

"You have a lot of literature."

Alma said, looking at a number of books arranged narrowly in the room.

Then Zinka's expression was just as unpleasant as ever.

"You know what, Augusta's company is old.It's only natural that it should be the right number. "

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