Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2331 Peak

Gaius flew with great momentum and quickly reached the mountain.

However, Gaius did not stop there and flew along the ridge of the mountain at a steep angle, passing the shrine instantly to the top of the mountain.

Gaius applied a sudden brake and stopped in the air, looking down at his feet and looking for something.

"Huh? Nothing... nothing shiny?"

Gaius leaned his neck and kept searching.

But no matter how I looked around, I didn't see anything.

Gaius had no choice but to slowly descend towards the top.

And among the scattered rocks, they landed on the flattest spot.

"It's small, of course. Koyama Dashi."

Gaius looked around again.

"Quite a big rock rolling around, but the rock doesn't shine...."

Gaius explored the top of the mountain, taking care not to be taken by the rocks.

But I couldn't find anything, and I tilted my neck.

"That's funny. There can't be anything..."

Gaius pondered there.

"The direction of the teahouse is this way... what do you mean, it's this way?"

Gaius crossed the top of the mountain and moved to where the teahouse was visible.

"It should be around here somewhere. Otherwise it's strange."

Gaius searched the neighborhood again.

But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find anything.

As Gaius was halfway, he saw people climbing from the shrine toward the summit.

"Yeah? Is it part of the festival?Some sort of event. "

As Gaius looked at them for a while, he could see that he had something in his hand.

"Hmm?... do you have any weapons?... I can't believe this isn't about me. "

But as they approached, I saw the color of anger seeping into their eyes.

"... ah, it's definitely for me.Maybe this place is off-limits.... "

Zunzun and the men coming up.

In his hand are all kinds of prey.

Gaius thought there.

"Well, what do we do? You want me to run?But hey, I don't want that either. "

As a result, Gaius decided to talk.

And the men reached the top in anger.

"Oh, thank you. Are you mad at me?"

And the leader said on behalf of all of them.

"What are you going to do to get into the forbidden land!"

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